Biomass to Biohydrogen: A New Frontier in Renewable Energy

The demand for hydrogen has surged over threefold since 1975, driving a continuous upward trajectory. However, this demand is primarily met through fossil fuel sources, with 6% of global natural gas and 2% of global coal dedicated to hydrogen production. Consequently, the production of hydrogen contributes significantly to carbon emissions, accounting for approximately 830 million…

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G20 Summit: Did Sustainability Take a Back Seat?

India played host to a bevy of world leaders during the G20 summit in what increasingly appears to be an “all pomp and no substance” exercise, especially when it comes to reiterating the global commitment to sustainability goals. While India can take diplomatic pride for pushing through an unscathed declaration, there is a big question…

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BRSR Core – Setting India’s ESG Reporting on Track

For a considerable duration, global attention was predominantly directed towards economic advancement, often at the expense of environmental considerations. However, the surge in environmental activism has led to an escalating recognition that both individuals and businesses bear a responsibility to conscientiously manage resource consumption and curtail their carbon footprint. The unregulated pursuit of capitalism, marked…

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